Люди — сочинение

People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer.
1. Sometime I feel stressed too. It was when I passed exam by major. Also I feel stress when I prepared for exams. A lot of people feel stressed and difficulties of modern life and everybody have different ways to escaping the stress.
2. First of all I try to unwind, sing song in my head. I think about something good, dream about future. It`s really helm me to escape the stress. And after that I can go to stage and play my major. But sometimes I feel stressed during my play. And I don`t know how to escape. I fear to forget notes, similarly how singer fear to forget lyrics.
3. My granny escapes the stress and difficulties when works in our garden. I help her every summer. We grow potatoes, berries, vegetables. Working in garden really reduces stress. Also we sing songs when work in garden. My brother goes to garden with us.
4. Along with that I read different interesting books. For example: Sholokhov «The river Don stories» and J.R.R.Tolkien «Hobbit». Books engage me in wonderful world, in which I`m very happy and don`t think about problem modern life. My husband reads books too. He likes to read about conductor’s technique. Besides we love to go to the theatre. Now we are excited about first night «Queen of Spades».
5. To summarize there are a lot of ways to escape the stress and difficulties of modern life. Everybody chooses this way himself.
