All newspapers or broadcast stations have a newsroom where re-porters work. Some larger newsrooms may also contain other editorial staff such as subeditors, features staff, library, sport or photographers. These are usually the main newsrooms for a paper or broadcast station. District offices are usually just reporters possibly led by a district news editor. Many radio stations and newspapers have district offices. The BBC has many small district radio studios usually with one re-porter. This will have a sound desk and an ISDN (digital telephone) link to the main studio so that the reporter can report live or send packages. It can also be set up so that people can come into the studio to be interviewed from the main office.
All newspapers and broadcast stations are structured in much the same way. The editor is in overall charge of the editorial operation, but day-to-day management of the newsroom is in the hands of the news editor. This may be an assistant editor (news), a news content manager, or on a small paper it may even be the editor — hut whatever the title, their role will be to supervise reporters, ensure the stories they want covered are covered and ensure the editor is kept in touch with what's going on.
They may also commission freelances, organise stringers and liaise with subeditors, photographers, advertising and other departments in the organisation. In a big office, the news editor may have several deputies and assistants. This is particularly true of a daily paper or a radio or TV station where the news operation is six or seven _days a week. Even news editors need time off.
A big newsroom may have some reporters working as correspondents, specialising in some aspect of news work: education, local government, crime or health, for instance. Some may have correspondents for aspects of work that are particularly important locally. Maybe it is a rural area and a farming correspondent is needed, or a seaside resort requires a tourism correspondent. There would then be a pool of general reporters covering the everyday work. A chief reporter is sometimes appointed. He or she might help run the diary, or it might be a courtesy title for a well-respected reporter taken off diary to work on his or her own initiative. In addition, stories are often produced by freelances and stringers.

